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If we hadn't seen so many other examples of the make-believe mayor humiliating himself with his comments, Scal, it might actually be a surprise that he would write such a blatantly misinformed statement as "it doesn't cost Warwick taxpayers anything" for the state to do roadwork.

And you are 100% correct that he is contradicting his own words when it comes to taxes. Apparently, the make-believe mayor now thinks state income taxes, sales taxes, gasoline taxes, cigarette and liquor taxes, and others that are paid within the city's borders -- the ones he falsely thinks 80,000 people are paying -- aren't funding the state DOT.

You also rightly make a point to distinguish between his rental property and his residence, on which other people have paid the property taxes since 2014 -- although I would submit that there is one similarity: He's using other peoples' money [i.e., rent] to pay the taxes on the Greenwich Avenue property.

Like you, I invite honest, taxpaying voters to confront the make-believe mayor on his tax delinquencies and complete lack of understanding about how state taxes work so that they have the clearest reason to justify overwhelmingly rejecting his candidacy on Sept. 12.

From: Slimming down

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