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"I've always paid my bills on time" - Rick Corrente

Rick Corrente Car Taxes:

2009 Car Taxes

Due: 7/15/09 Paid: 7/23/09

Due: 10/15/09 Paid: 11/10/09

Due: 1/15/10 Paid: 2/17/10

Due: 4/15/10 Paid: 8/11/10

Rick here is 0 for 4 with being "on time"

2010 Car Taxes:

Due: 7/15/10 NOT PAID

Due: 10/15/10 NOT PAID

Due: 1/5/11. NOT PAID

Due: 4/15/11 NOT PAID

This is now 0 for 8 from Rick Corrente

2011 Car Taxes:

Due: 7/15/11 NOT PAID

Due: 10/15/11 NOT PAID

Due: 1/15/12 NOT PAID

Due: 4/15/12

It isn't until 1/25/12 all of these "NOT PAIDs" are paid. Rick pays when he was no longer able to register a car.

2012 Car Taxes:

Due: 7/15/12. NOT PAID

Due: 10/15/12. NOT PAID

Due: 1/15/13. NOT PAID

Due: 4/15/13. Paid 3/13/13

Finally paid in full on 3/13/13

Once again, the facts just do not show a person who "always pays (their) bills on time".

In 2013 there is no data for Rick Correntes car taxes. In fact there is no car tax data from 2013-2015 because after this long history of late and missed payments, where he would no longer be able to register his car Rick Correntes car disappeared from the tax rolls. He has never been able to tell voters why his car disappeared from the tax rolls for 3 years, effectively skipping out on tax payments. How can a candidate claim they always pay their bills on time when the data shows a much different story? This is put it nicely.

What I wonder is who will Rick Corrente blame his delinquent car taxes on? His auto lender? Someone else "acting unfairly"? Clearly the evidence proves consistent tax delinquency.

So excuse me if I don't rush to believe Rick Correntes "my lender broke the law" nonsense. Like everything else in his erratic, unraveling, failing campaign he is big on words, but very short on facts. When Rick throws around words like coward it is his own insecurity from his history of litigation losses, tax delinquency and failure. No amount of attacks on me will change that.

**One Final Note**

Litigation losses, here is JUST ONE EXAMPLE:

Small claims judgement in favor of plaintiff Nicole Gagnon in favor of $1578.75

Defendant (Corrente) ordered to pay, argues that he can only make monthly payments. Makes 4 $25.00 payments (yes $25), defaults, is taken back to court and ordered to pay restitution.

(There is enough of a pattern here. It can't be everyone else's fault.)

From: Slimming down

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