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I truly believe Acting Mayor Solomon has a chance to do big things in this city if he governs the right way. I think in fairness, he has to build trust with individual departments and that takes time. That will require some patience which is not always easy. Once he does that he can start looking at ways to reform our pension system, or improve the conditions of our schools. He is by far the most qualified candidate for mayor Warwick has seen, after his years on the council.

One issue to arise, was the issue of beach fees that many people felt differently about. Many felt fees would deter trash which could lead to cleaner beaches and more beachgoers. Some believed any fee (tax) on residents was incredibly unfair. The problem with the "beach fee" legislation is nobody ever ran a cost estimate of the program. If no one knew how many employees were needed, how much it would cost to pay those employees then there was no guarantee the program would generate money. That meant, no one could guarantee there would be enough revenue connected from collecting fees the clean the beaches. I thought Joe Solomon did the right thing. He held off the fees until he and the City Council figure out a better way to maintain our beaches. To me, that showed a candidate who is atleast trying to do the right thing, wherever possible. He could've raised fees and wiped his hands of it, but instead took the issue on and has made himself more accountable by doing so. By this I mean if our beaches remain filthy certainly he would share in some blame, mostly it still goes to slob beachgoers.

This is very different than Rick Corrente who wants to raise fees on every driving resident, without studying ANY ASPECT OF THE LEGISLATION. That is reckless and irresponsible yet, not surprising from a candidate known for his tax delinquency. This is just 1 issue. If you start to study the "Corrente plan" you see there hasn't been much studying at all. There is no cost estimates, no word on where the money to pay for these things will come from. All of the "Corrente plan" is borrow, spend, tax. If he doesn't know how much it will cost, or how to pay for it how is he so certain any of it will save money? This is my point exactly.

From: Solomon hopes to help make Warwick 'even better'

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