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As a candidate for Mayor you would think Rick Corrente would understand how taxes work. He certainly doesn't bother paying them, so I can't say I'm surprised he knows so little about how they work. If my home were for sale, that doesn't mean I'm not paying taxes on it. In fact, I would still very much be paying full taxes on the home. Just because the home is for sale, doesn't mean the taxes aren't being paid.

When Rick Corrente says a "new homebuyer means new taxes" he's literally lying to your face. How would a mortgage guy not know how property taxes work? The taxes are paid by the owner of the home REGARDLESS OF WHETHER THE HOME IS FOR SALE OR NOT. That means Rick Correntes proposal to "buy a house, get a check" for new homebuyers, would be giving money to folks, for taxes that the city already collects. How is that a smart plan? How would the city not lose money with this terrible idea? Again, just another "broken idea" from the "Tax Delinquents Mayor" "The Grand View Squatter" and of course "The Deadbeats Candidate". Rick Correntes vision is not paying his taxes, while continually raising yours. Warwick voters will overwhelmingly reject this failure once again.

From: Solomon hopes to help make Warwick 'even better'

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