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Crickee, it is truly shameful to watch the behavior of the unraveling Corrente campaign. His campaign started out as distorting certain facts (the total taxpayers Warwick has lost in a decade, total students Warwick has lost in a decade, total # of businesses lost). Then as Rick Correntes campaign became increasingly desperate (due to you and Captains great work exposing his tax delinquency, as well as more recently with 3 other candidates opposing him in the Democratic primary: Solomon, Ferla, Carbone) his behavior has changed again. Correntes campaign went from distorting facts to coordinated, blatant lying. This behavior is truly pathetic, and along with his rampant tax delinquency reveals alot about the character and intentions of Rick Corrente. I join thousands of Warwick voters in rejecting this lying, pandering wind bag.

From: With no alternatives, schools balance budget on backs of salaries, programs

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