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Scal, as I've mentioned before, I think one of the core defects in the make-believe mayor's approach to his candidacy is that he apparently didn't think anyone would look into his past record. He started his 2016 campaign with a letter to the editor that claimed he'd been treated unfairly by the city in the way his properties were assessed, and suggesting that Mayor Avedisian and unnamed "relatives" had gotten lower property valuations.

Now, I'm sure you'd agree that serious and reasonable candidates would 1.) make sure those claims were true before having them published in the local paper; and 2.) would make sure he, himself, didn't have any kind of questionable past in terms of tax payments.

He failed on both counts. Turns out, he had one property's valuation go up by $5,000 and another's go down by $5,000, meaning his taxes on those two properties stayed the same. Then -- and this is the part that has snowballed into the disgraceful behavior by make-believe mayor that you rightly point out -- it turned out that he wasn't paying taxes on his residence because it had been sold at tax sale. He even admitted this to the Beacon -- and then spent three years denying it.

Not only that, but a look at Avedisian's property valuations showed that his went up, meaning he was paying higher taxes than the make-believe mayor.

All of this information is right here:

You're correct, too, in saying that his behavior has only gotten worse, which honestly I wouldn't have thought possible given where it started. A serious candidate would have admitted to his falsehoods and come up with the money to pay the back taxes on his residences [instead of wasting $40,000 on a political campaign].

Not the make-believe mayor, though. He somehow thought it would be better for his futile campaign to continue making false statements on this website [including those lies about the changes in the city's population, student enrollment, and business sector that you mention], attacking other commenters for using screen names, and flip-flopping on his prior support of the elected officials in his party.

The one consolation is that he will never -- ever -- be elected to any office in Warwick. He has done this to himself, by repeating lies and denying the factual and easily verifiable public information that has enlightened honest, taxpaying voters about his true character. His stubbornness in refusing to understand this is his problem -- not anyone else's.

Like you, I expect that voters will overwhelmingly reject the make-believe mayor on Sept. 12.

From: With no alternatives, schools balance budget on backs of salaries, programs

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