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The "blot" that needs to be removed is Rob Cote.

He was the owner of the now closed "Rob Cote's Pro Divers" scuba shop and gave an embarrassingly high bid to the City Council to train the Warwick Firefighters in scuba. They ultimately got it done for a fraction of his bid and Cote has vowed revenge ever since.

He argued against the car tax and I agreed with him and testified with him at the State House and in Warwick City Hall many times but when he changed his argument to "how the value of each car was determined" I realized that he didn't want to improve the car tax issue, just continue to fight it, and I disassociated myself with him. He has been my biggest critic ever since. He has lied about me, stolen dozens of my signs and sent poison pen letters to my supporters. In 2012, he said he was selling his home at 74 Janet Court, and moving out of Warwick. I, for one, will help him pack. I'll bet I won't be alone! I'll bet that over half of the firefighters would show up. (current AND retired)

For the record, Warwick firefighters are paid an average of $47,760, according to Believe it or not the average salary of all firefighters in the entire country is the exact same number, $47,760, again, according to Is there a system in place here in Warwick? Yes. Whenever a system is in place will some people take advantage of the loopholes? ( I probably would.) Yes. Should those loopholes be tightened? Yes. Do we have a big problem, as Cote suggests.? Not hardly! He's trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill and he's failing miserably. This is just sour grapes from a vindictive scuba diver-trainer that couldn't get his way. He tried to rip off the taxpayers for thousands of dollars and failed! He is truly the "blot" of Warwick.

Happy Summer everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Let's clear the smoke

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