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I have 60 lbs of documents which include all "salaries" and year end wages. Give me a name and I'll give you his financial statistics. Yes I said they work 48 hours . That statement was made, and is accurate, because they word 2 10 hr days and 2 14 hour nights. That equals 48 hours within the time frame of 1 week. when you extrapolate that over 365 days, and divide by 52 weeks, it "AVERAGES OUT" to be 42 hours.

To suggest that I am delusional and have no data and no understanding is foolish as I have more knowledge of the issues than the mayor, the chief, and every city council member. AND, I would welcome a debate on the issue with anyone at anytime. Trust me on this, my math is impeccable and indisputable.

From: Let's clear the smoke

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