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As predicted, the failed 2016 mayoral candidate's repeated pandering to the Warwick Teachers Union has failed, since the union contributed $250 to acting Mayor Solomon.

The losing 2016 candidate's attempts to smear elected officials as "political insiders" have been exposed as sour grapes, since many of the same officials who contributed to his failed campaign are now supporting acting Mayor Solomon.

And the losing 2016 candidate's attempts to run his campaign for free on this website have failed, since he has raised nothing, put a total of $900 into his campaign, and reports $34 available to spend.

The losing 2016 candidate's latest campaign has failed, and it will only be a formality when thousands of honest, taxpaying voters overwhelmingly reject his candidacy on Sept. 12.

From: Solomon amasses over $90,000 in donations in 3 months

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