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More pathetic lies and attempts to spin TERRIBLE financial statements from Rick Corrente. When you have less than $35 in your campaign bank account, its not just the "political insiders" (another bogus lie) that aren't donating to your campaign Rick, NOBODY is donating to your campaign.

Once again, Corrente falsely claims "influence" over budget hearings where he never spoke a word, and his name was never uttered by a single member of the City Council. Influence over what? The only influence Rick Corrente has had in this city is burning $40,000 which yielded NOTHING in return, and being a tax delinqient who couldn't pay his fair share. The Beacon article breaks down quite clearly who donated to Joe Solomon. Maybe Rick Corrente should focus his attention on paying back the $39,000 his campaign is in the red. Although, if theres anything we've learned from Rick Corrente its that he can't ever seem to be bothered to pay his own debts ( property taxes, car taxes, mortgage, water/sewer bills).

When a candidate spends $40,000, gets crushed in the general election, claims overwhelming support, decides to run again (now running almost 4 years total) and has less than $35 in the bank...its quite clear the last person on Earth who knows how unqualified Rick Corrente is to serve as Rick Corrente.

From: Solomon amasses over $90,000 in donations in 3 months

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