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Hello again Thecaptain:

Mayor feckless has also never answered why he is paying office rent to the same person who previously paid the taxes on his former residence [the make-believe mayor no longer reports 177 Grand View as his residence on his public voter information], so it is no surprise that he is trying to ignore your latest example of his tax delinquencies.

Nailed it again, Scal.

Here's what I wonder: Why has the make-believe mayor continued to talk about his losing 2016 campaign?

The only conclusion I can reach is that he doesn't see his behavior as what it is: A repeated desperate and pathetic attempt to twist his loss into something that is relevant this year. Take this disgraceful statement:

"I am carrying those supporters with me into the Democratic Primary on September 12."

No candidate can count on past voting trends to be repeated, especially not one who has so willingly and repeatedly lied to voters while using someone else's website for free political advertising.

Taking votes for granted is among the most ignorant and uninformed things the make-believe mayor has ever said -- and that's really saying something.

More to the point, only a delusional candidate would think that an overwhelming loss in one election would magically turn into a victory in the next.

It's much the same way that I suspect he thinks that all the negative reactions he gets on this website somehow benefits his disgrace of a campaign.

He's wrong, of course.

He is an election loser who has learned nothing from his past experience and simply continues to engage in the same behavior that resulted in his prior defeat while expecting a different result. He is attacking the people who supported him in 2016 while believing he will somehow get their votes. He is making false statements while expecting voters to consider him a credible candidate.

I eagerly anticipate Sept. 12, when the make-believe mayor's political campaign will again come to a humiliating end.

From: Solomon amasses over $90,000 in donations in 3 months

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