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Phillip, I'll take you at your word that you've been reading for months.

If that's the case, then you're well aware of how often the make-believe mayor has repeated the same comments, to the point that they can be easily predicted.

I wasn't putting words in his mouth -- I was repeating what he had previously said to make the point that his prior statements failed to get the support from the WTU that he was clearly trying to get.

Maybe you should direct your annoyance at him for being so predictable, and not me for calling it out.

And you're absolutely right about Joe Solomon and the other city councilors who have been in office for many years and essentially allowed the current situation to develop. But you're flat-out wrong to try and compare current elected officials with the make-believe mayor, even for purposes of "keeping an open mind."

From: Solomon amasses over $90,000 in donations in 3 months

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