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Dear Scal1024,

With no insults, I respectfully disagree with your statement that acting Mayor Solomon was in a no-win situation when he gave in to the School Committee. If he didn't give in, I highly doubt the School Committee (SC) would have taken the City to court because if they did the actual numbers of what they spend on THEMSELVES would be subpoenaed and the public would finally see where their money is being spent. (over one-and-a-half-billion since 2009). If it did end up in court I strongly believe it would blow up in the faces of the School Committee. (remember the Ragosta Report?) What Solomon did was to set a precedent though. Now, if the SC doesn't get their way, they will threaten a lawsuit and Solomon will give in. Bad management in my opinion.

I appreciate that you agreed that you "veer off topic" at times. I also agree that I also suspected that the $5million for the road repair was going to used as a slush fund. Solomon proved that, didn't he? Finally I STRONGLY agree with you that "when you try to please everybody, you end up pleasing nobody". That's why, for years now, I have listened to the "80,000 taxpayers that are paying the tab." And ONLY them. As an elected official, I think we have an absolute obligation to do their bidding, not the bidding of the political insiders! That is why I campaign every day to "Cut Taxes - Cut Spending". That's why I call myself "The Taxpayers Mayor". Catering to the political insiders is why Solomon voted for every tax increase this century! (except in 2017 when my campaign put a stop to it.) As acting Mayor he already hit the taxpayers in 2018 with THE LARGEST TAX INCREASE ALLOWED BY LAW! So Scal, if you are a political insider (and I think that you are) you will vote for Solomon. If you are more of a taxpayer, then please vote for me. I won't try to please everyone, just the "80,000 taxpayers that are paying the tab". I believe you are one of the 80,000 as well.

Happy August Scal1024.

Happy August everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: City offers $1.75M more to schools, but large gap remains

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