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DaydreamBeliever I agree the City Council recieving lifetime health care for few years of service is ridiculous. There are alot of benefits city wide that are too generous, and that is the heart of the problem. The WFD is one of the best in the region. Any interaction myself or my family has had with them has been a great experience. I believe both things can be true. I believe you guys do a great job, but I also believe the current system isn't sustainable. Whether it is changes in pensions, retirement age, overtime the entire system city wide (not just the wfd) cannot continue this way. I don't care if you guys do your shopping, I think its a good way to get out and shake hands with the public. I do care about saving money in ways that make sense. I think everyone whether they work for the city or not should be behind that idea. Not everyone who is looking at ways to save the city $ is anti union or only "out to get you guys". Just remember there are peoole who think you all do an amazing job, but those same people are concerned about raising a family here over the next 10-20-30 years.

From: Fire Department leans on other cities, towns to cover for downed apparatuses

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