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For someone who will soon turn 67 years old, the make-believe mayor insists on behaving like a child in desperately trying to prop up his pathetic candidacy.

"CrickeeRaven says the School Committee (SC) DID NOT run out of money when the SC openly admits they are $8.1 million short... That's sick."

Aside from his juvenile name-calling, the make-believe mayor fails to use logic beyond that of a child.

Requesting funds in a new budget, based on things like the higher teacher salaries that were negotiated between the school committee and WTU, does not meant the school committee "ran out of money."

The city council raised taxes in FY19 to cover new municipal and police contracts -- yet the make-believe mayor does not claim that this means the city "ran out of money."

This type of illogical, hypocritical behavior would barely be tolerated from a child, never mind from someone running for office.

As the rest of his comments prove, the make-believe mayor somehow believes that his repeated disgraceful behavior on this website, in service of a campaign for office, will actually help his chances this year.

He is wrong.

He is playing make-believe, as a child would, when he gives himself a fake title and calls himself a "servant" of taxpayers while losing a home to tax sale, not paying the car taxes on his BANKRS registration for three years, and paying office rent to the same person who previously paid the property taxes on his former residence.

Any serious, mature candidate would have understood that such behavior makes him unfit for any office.

Not the make-believe mayor, though.

Like a child who refuses to learn, he will make even more of a disgrace of himself every day, with every new comment, until he suffers another humiliating loss in this year's primary -- all the while blaming everyone except himself, just as a child would.

Honest, taxpaying, responsible, mature voters will overwhelmingly reject his candidacy again on Sept. 12.

From: Schools, city due to meet again in September

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