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I agree with the Skipper. May I add something please. A couple of weeks ago CNN had a panel of Trump voters. And in that group they had a plant. An actor. He was the “regretful” voter of Donald Trump and professed his hatedred for him by calling him a monster amongst other names. Well, the internet exposed this fraud as a socialist democratic. They found many videos of himself on social media attacking the president and making clear of his party affiliation. This isn’t a mistake. CNN has been doing this kind of deception since the Iraq war when they pretended there was a drill during a broadcast and it was all staged!

The fact is, print media has been dying a slow death. Mainstream news outlets like CNN and MSNBC are losing viewers. It is blatantly clear they will do anything and everything, including producing fake news, to keep those clicks and eyeballs on their channels. Most of us see through this rouse. Unfortunately this same media have successfully brainwashed an entire generation of people to take a side. And if your not with “them” you are a Nazi, a bigot, a racist.... and I refuse to buy into that BS. As a consumer of alternative news sources outside the MSM (no not Alex Jones) I see the freedoms of good, independent journalist voices and websites being taken down and silenced every day. This is a slippery slope. Who exactly is the arbitrator of speech? Either we have free speech or we don’t. These “private” corporations are heavily subsidized by the US government and they have enormous power. Are they going to be the internet “thought” police? Did you know that Google has been actively working with communist China to further censor their internet? Why are the democrats working so hard to silence opposing viewpoints??? Before you know it we will all be living in Orwell’s 1984. All I ask of you is to think about it...

From: The press isn't perfect, but it also isn't 'fake'

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