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Dear Cat2222,

Thank you for what seems like sincere advice. The reason I respond to Scal1024, is if I didn't dispute his information some trusting people, like you, might just believe the misinformation he is repeating. Check with the tax collector. Check with the registry of motor vehicles. Check with Butler and messier Insurance. Come to my office and I will show you my credit report, sales agreements, deeds and other documents that prove his accusations to be false. I couldn't hold a mortgage banking license if I was guilty of ANY of the charges that he an Rob Cote keep repeating. He has even convinced you that I am "the embodiment of everything you dislike in a politician". You choose to believe him rather than check the facts independently. That, Cat2222, is the reason.

Happy August everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Council, schools poised for tense September meeting

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