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$13,348,204 in raises for this contract. Think that may be a problem considering that the institutions are producing the worst grades in the area? So what will happen next year? Is money going to magically appear from the taxpayer credit cards? Get ready for maximum tax hikes for a very long time. We just gave $2,838,000 in raises to WPD and DPW, you think the hogs at the WFD trough aren't going to want the same?

I am so sick of hearing these union hacks coming and pandering to the elected misfits that "THEY DESERVE" raises. No one "deserves" raises. You deserve only what the community can afford, and this community can no longer afford these kinds of pay outs.

As I have said for 10 years, Avedisian gives away the city to the unions to keep the only job he has ever had, and for 2 decades the city council hasn't had the balls to put a stop to it, do an investigation, or to look to the future. In the words of Councilman Joe Gallucci " we don't have to pay it all tomorrow, it will work itself out" BS ! The city is broke, Avedisian skates away clean, Solomon still hasn't thrown him under the bus, and we just keep paying. You think this council is working for you? Get a grip. I hope they don't give the schools a dime, let them sue, then maybe Solomon will have the balls to publicly declare a financial emergency. I'm so sick of it. People making fiscal decisions that don't have the educational background in which to do so. Case and point - Donna Travis. She rails on the school department but being on the council for 20 years has watched as the previous finance chairs just approved everything that came before them without asking for one single official document. But God forbid you go before the council because of a flat tire due to a pot hole. After the hearing you'll need a nice soothing ointment to rub on the hole that hurts most.

They all should be run out of town. Sickening.

Great article, completely detailed, just the facts !

From: Audit reports that schools need $4M from city

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