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Dear Justanidiot,

When I was in grammar school I walked from 44 Observatory Ave. in North Providence to St. Augustines at 635 Mt. Pleasant Ave. in Providence where a battalion of nuns and rulers awaited. It was a distance of .6 miles one way, EVERY SCHOOL DAY. Yes, it WAS UPHILL. Both ways! No we didn't have kerosene fired computers because we didn't even HAVE computers! You say "kids today are so soft" and you're right but what I wouldn't do to get my hands on one of those kerosene-computers that you rich kids were using! We didn't even know what a calculator was, and my fathers adding machine had a handle on the side.

Thanks for the memories old friend. Nice to know we walked to different schools together.

Please, everyone, get out and vote in the primary Wednesday, the 12th.

Happy primary.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Comfort is key at state's largest middle school

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