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Honest, taxpaying voters in Warwick who wish to learn more about the cosplay candidate before voting on Sept. 12 should read the entirety of this comment.

In addition to his use of this website for free political advertising, which has been his primary way to promote his once-failed candidacy, the cosplay candidate has a history of making false claims that he hopes readers will forget.

For their benefit, I include the following information, so that within approximately 20 minutes, they will have a clearer picture of the failed 2016 candidate and his intent to fool voters into supporting him.

- He began his 2016 campaign by issuing claims about his property evaluations:,115119

These claims were investigated by a local news website and found to be untrue:

- Also during the 2016 campaign, he issued false claims that Warwick “lost 4,666 businesses” over 10 years:,113096

Once again, his claims were reviewed and found to be false:

These two claims were central to his 2016 campaign — and they were both lies. And yet he continued to repeat them until his eventual 65-to-35% loss.

- A Nov. 3, 2016 article in the Beacon reported that he had, in fact, lost his former residence to tax sale. To quote: “Corrente continues to live in a house that was sold in a tax sale for taxes due the city.”,119296?

In spite of his own admission, the make-believe mayor continued to not only claim the opposite, but also claim his mortgage lender was to blame and that he had “won” a court case — yet he moved from that residence in 2018, indicating that he did not “win.”

City records, accessible at the following website, show that three different parties have paid the property taxes on his former residence since 2015. Enter “177 Grand View” to see this information:

For the 2018 campaign, he has again been twisting facts and making claims that are later proven to be untrue:

- He has frequently claimed that the Warwick school population has fallen by half, from 17,000 to 8,500, “in the last 10 years” — but the actual figures show nothing of the kind. As shown on the following website, Warwick’s school population in 2007-8 was 11,139 and in 2017-18 was 8,953 — a drop of 2,186, not half:

- He paid for a political advertisement that claimed his losing 2016 campaign led the Warwick City Council to cut taxes and spending for the FY18 budget, and that former Mayor Avedisian submitted “29 tax-increasing amendments” to the budget among other claims — that were all found to be untrue:

- As that article also explains, the cosplay candidate claimed to be running against "political insiders" in 2018 -- after receiving campaign contributions from many of these same people in 2016.

That is the campaign he is referring to when he talks about spending $40,000 -- the 2016 campaign, not the 2018 campaign. For the current campaign, he has raised $0 in contributions and until recently had $24 in his campaign account.

- He failed to report that advertisement in his campaign finance report for the 4th quarter of 2017, and has refused to answer why he is paying office rent to the same individual who previously paid the property taxes on his residence:

- On his new campaign website, he at first claimed that he was an “Endorsed Democrat for Mayor” — before the local Democratic Party had endorsed any candidates in the 2018 campaign. He lost his bid for the endorsement, forcing him to remove that false claim from his website.

This is the person calling himself “the taxpayers' mayor” — someone who has admitted that he lost his home due to tax delinquency, repeatedly made false claims about the school population and business community in Warwick, refused to answer questions about his ethically questionable campaign finance activities, and claimed an endorsement that he did not have.

Please join me and thousands of honest, taxpaying voters in rejecting his candidacy again on Sept. 12.

From: Summing up their positions

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