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Dear Justanidiot,

I'm liking you more and more every day. "rich like Trump" HA!

My dear friend. I work in the mortgage banking industry. Mortgage companies in Rhode Island went from 5,500 mortgage companies in 2004+- to 64 by 2011+-! That's a 99.9% drop in mortgage offices! That didn't happen old friend, because business was booming. And the new mortgage educational requirements and reform regulations created in the late 2,000s, we had our allowable income per loan cut to less than half and our paperwork multiplied by 500%. I'm proud to say that Bankers Mortgage is one of the 64 survivor mortgage companies, but we aren't eating at the same table as "Trump". More like Sam's Hot Weiners, which, by the way, are awesome. Call me at 401-338-9900. Lunch is on me.

Stay in touch old friend.

Happy Autumn everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Federal grant to enable city to acquire new heavy-duty rescue

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