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Just like that Rick Corrente continues to lie to Warwick voters. Perhaps this is the reason he couldn't get to 3,000 votes in the last election? It only took 2 years for him to come up with a name from the Tax Assesors office and it only took him 3 years to come up with a defense for his car taxes being delinquent. Gutless. Regardless, the most important issue is that voters know Rick Corrente is a fraud and a liar, who according to the website THAT THE CITY OF WARWICK a tax delinquent. As usual, Ricks story is backed up with ZERO EVIDENCE, ZERO FACTS SUPPORTING IT, and ZERO SUBSTANCE BEHIND IT.

On the issue of WFD records...

I have withheld my opinion on this matter until all of the facts are in. I'm not going to slander the WFD until this firm completes their work. Rob makes an interesting case. However, there are 2 completely different stories being told here and both cannot be true. Rob insists this cannot be sloppy bookkeeping, and it seems thats exactly what the WFD has blamed this on. In the future maybe a compromise of limiting the amount of swaps per WFD member each year would be a fair solution? I'm not going to pretend I know what is fair, just trying to look at ways to eliminate this problem, however it was caused, in the future.

Finally, Rob some of your comments about the WFD Dive Team were unfair and despicable. You shouldn't be so reckless with the language you use. It's one thing to make unfair characterizations about sick time and vacation time...but when you start hitting them personally and professionally the way you did I found it disgraceful. I understand these issues get hot, you are never going to win a single heart and/or mind making such low, unlikeable statements about those who protect and serve us. I've tried giving you the benefit of the doubt in many instances but you really ought to try and be better than that.

From: Firefighters hire accountant to review sick pay

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