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Dear Readers,

I gotta agree with David Testa on this one. "Word about town" is NEVER the most accurate source of information. However I gotta disagree with him when he says that the School Committee isn't political. It is. It may not ne partisan but the School Committee DOES mix public schools with politics, in my opinion. I do agree that the result is "politics", but Testa is missing the point if he disagrees.

As far as School Committee candidate Rick Cascella, he was the ONLY candidate to welcome ALL candidates from ANY party to a free, nomination-signing party at his "Coffee Grinder" coffee shop. That magnanimous gesture is about as "non-partisan" as you can be and one of the many reasons he should be elected to the School Committee. Another example is that he allowed this Democrat to attend and contribute to his fundraiser. While I was there, I spoke with Elliot LeFabvre, the former Superintendant of Schools for Warwick and learned more about "just how political our School Committee really is".

Partisan? Maybe not. Political? Absolutely!

One footnote: I deeply respect anyone who speaks from their real name. David Testa has never made a secret of who "davet1107" was.

Happy Autumn Dave Testa.

Happy Autumn everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Letters: Mix public schools with politics and you get politics

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