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According to my Board of election campaign finance filing, JUDITH COBDEN lives at 35 VAN ZANDT Avenue.

According to the City of Warwick Assessor web site, Current School Committee Member Karen Backus (who is a starch pro Warwick Teachers Union) owes the home at 35 Van Zandt Avenue. The Home is listed on the web site as a single family home with 3 bed rooms.

So this raises all sorts of questions:

1) At what point in time did Judy Cobden move in with Karen Backus?

2) Did she move in with Backus to run for School Committee and stack it with pro WTU members?

3) Is she paying any monetary rent to stay in the home?

4) Is it possible that if she is elected to the School Committee along with Ms. Backus who is not up for reelection, that pressure could be applied by Ms. Backus to Ms. Cobden to vote for initiative supported by Ms. Backus or for Ms. Backus as School Committee Chairperson? Could that be in the form of monetary discounts on rent or other support?

Warwick voters better wake up and figure out what is going on and what will happen to the Warwick School Systems if these conflicted individuals get elected.

It would be the Fox in the chicken coup with the Warwick Teachers Union running the show, resulting in the exodus of the Superintendent and key administration officials trying to reform the system.

notausefulidiot, Adams would be allowed to vote on union matters since his mother is part of the larger WTU group. On matters directly impacted his mom, he would have to recuse himself.

From: School candidates spar at forum

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