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Richard Corley says his job as City Councilperson is to be "calling on people to do their jobs, whether it's filling a pothole, picking up trash or plowing a street." He's right. And he does it. I have witnessed him at the City Council meetings. He doesn't just rubber stamp resolutions. He asks good, intelligent questions, follows up with more good questions and doesn't vote "yes" until he has received complete answers. He is thorough in his due diligence. In other words Corley "does his job" representing the taxpayers best interests.

Patrick Mahoney is a good man. Richard Corley is a good City Councilman. He represents Ward one very well. If I lived there I would vote for Rick. I completely support his candidacy and recommend him sincerely.

Happy Autumn everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Incumbent Corley, Maloney paired in Ward 1 contest

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