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-Corley's answer to Avedisian underfunding OPEB...was to offer ZERO DOLLARS instead. Pretty bold strategy let's see if it pays off...

-Corley takes credit for a ZERO TAX INCREASE BUDGET. The only thing that budget did is cause a MAXIMUM TAX INCREASE in this years budget. I'm not surprised Rick Corrente supports Richard Corley, Corrente also supported holding the line on taxes in that budget, which led to a MAXIMUM TAX INCREASE in this years budget.

Just like every topic he speaks on, Rick Corrente is equally clueless when it comes to the City Council. This of course is why he was told to sit down and be quiet by Councilman Ed Ladoceur after Corrente embarrassed himself on the microphone again.

Lastly, to the voter featured in this article...I think far too many people are voting for the candidate that "knocks on their door." THEY KNOW THIS!!! They'll do just enough around election time to get their name in the paper, march at a couple parades and rail against the Circulator Project (that I'm sure the majority of them previously supported). They already know what party you're registered to, so there is literally zero risk in them knocking on your door. You are a "soft" voting target and they know this, which is the only reason they show up in the first place.

Look no further than the above exchange from this article:

Voter: "What are you going to do for me?"

Corley: (clearly not trying to answer any such question) "What can I do for you?"

Oldest trick in the book. Then throw a couple talking points at them, tell them you'll "introduce a bill when we get back in session." Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

From: Incumbent Corley, Maloney paired in Ward 1 contest

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