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Dear anonymous, faceless, nameless critics and all candidates,

ANYONE who runs for office is to be greatly respected.

He/she has devoted hundreds of hours of their time; spent large sums of unreimbursed dollars and has an impact on the election whether they are elected or not. ALL candidates are to be respected far more than you anonymous cowards of critics who don't even have the courage to speak from you own name.

Imagine if everything you brilliant critics say about candidates is 100% true. Just imagine that. It means that the "anonymous cowards of critics" STILL aren't nearly as credible as the candidates they attack!


That means that the day I stated my name four years ago, I was already MORE credible than them. I had ALREADY done more than they did. Before I campaigned one day or spent one dollar my accomplishments were thousands of times more than theirs. That must be tearing them up inside. The critics will probably moan, groan, condemn and complain, because that's all they're good at.

William Shakespeare called them out when he said "It is a tale of an idiot; full of fire and fury, signifying nothing." (Macbeth)

Congratulations to ANYONE who made the commitment and ran for office this election. You count. You helped the "80,000 taxpayers that are paying the tab." The anonymous cowards of critics don't. They might not even be old enough to vote.

Happy Autumn everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor.

From: Incumbent Corley, Maloney paired in Ward 1 contest

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