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Hey Fake Mayor, I’m sorry the intelligent comments by Mr. Smith upset you so much. I get it, too much for you to wrap your head around. You keep giving great reasons why you think Judy should win. But besides Nathan showing up to everything, you don’t mention one other reason he should win over Corey. I’d love to hear an actual educated reason. You seem to have all this time on your hands to be the mayor we never, or will ever vote for, so C’mon, give us a real answer. Sorry this highly educated person, with an extreme work ethic, kept his promise to the students he teaches and gave them the education they paid for!! Wow, Mr. Smith, you for sure don’t deserve a seat on our schools committee. (You know, because he’d never keep

his promise and go to the meetings. He’s clearly not dependable)

Nathan cares about our schools, but caring won’t get us out of this crisis we’re in. We need someone with more knowledge of the exact situation. Someone who can help get our Cities schools back to where they once were.

Clearly, FM, you don’t really care about our City, or you’d want the more qualitied person for that task to win. Talk to Corey, have one real conversation with him and you’d see he’s by far the better choice.

Thanks! Mom of 4, in Warwick schools, who actually gives a shit. ✌

From: Cohesion of school district focus of forum

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