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I don’t know ONE person who takes Corrente seriously. His character is seriously flawed if he thinks he can spew vulgarities at another human being and get away with it! But then again, most of what he says is not very well thought out and full of pent up emotion.

I’m not sure where Corrente is getting this idea that Corey Smith must not be committed to this position of SC because he had a commitment to his student... This theory makes absolutely NO sense! It appears to me that he’s extremely committed and sticks by his promises which is what he will do if elected. As a taxpayer, parent and informed Warwick citizen, Corey Smith is by far, the most qualified based on a few key reasons. These reasons should stand out to the voters over Nathan Cornell:

Smith has life experience, as a parent of 4 and a citizen of this city who also pays taxes to this city.

Smiths profession as a CPA is working with very large budgets and getting very large businesses back on their feet. Isn’t that what WPS needs to do given the financial crisis it’s in?

Smith has had recent interactions with the current SC and Thornton as an advocate for the safety of ALL Warwick students and has served as a very well-spoken and respected voice for parents, who for years have not been heard. In reality, many have left the district due to valid frustrations. .

Smith is a dedicated and hardworking person who wants nothing more than to help get this district back to where it was and should be. With him seated on this committee, parents and teachers can rest assured that he will make sure transparency, communication and due diligence is being done.

Nathan’s a nice kid and seems to care...but it’s just not the time for him. One day, when this district is settled, it may be. But the state of WPS needs a SC with adult experience who can work together and listen to each other. I fear with the alternative vote, it’ll be another 4 against 1 and we do not need a repeat of the last few years.

Oh and Mr Corrente...your endorsement of Nathan Cornell on here is not helping him win this election.

Please vote with your brains, District 3!

From: Cohesion of school district focus of forum

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