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You finished 2nd TWICE, IN A 2 PERSON RACE!!!!


That's accomplishing something? I've been THE TAXPAYERS MAYOR for as many days as you have, I guess, right?????

My name is Eddie, goofball. What's wrong with that name?

Bring your non job having, goofball ass back to the front of Daves to wave at all the people who didn't vote for you. The rest of us will continue our banter at your expense because we need a little breather from actually working most days(that's what adults do, dumbass....well that and pay taxes)

I apologize to jerk offs around the globe for trying to include you into their group - its not fair to them. Continue your success of all your failures, in sure we will always help reminding you while you try to push your agenda here

From: Cohesion of school district focus of forum

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