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Dear Cat2222,

Your comment was unfair.

I have always given credit where it was due and constructive criticism when that was called for. Oftentimes it was on the same person. I have given Mayor Solomon credit for being a good husband and father for years. I have also given him a decent grade as acting-Mayor. I have also discredited him for having a tax assessment that is lower than he paid for his car dealership 29 YEARS AGO. There isn't another piece of real estate in Warwick that can say that.

Unlike some of my critics, I recognize the qualities AND faults of people. Some of my critics just focus on the faults, both real and imaginary. They refuse to give their name because they don't want to expose who they represent. (as if we all don't already know).

It's EASY to find fault. Anything can be judged "not good enough". ANYONE can find fault. It takes someone with a fair mind to recognize qualities AND faults.

It takes a mindset of fair-play to recognize both sides. I'm proud to be able to do that. And I'm not ashamed to let people know who I am. If I was just complaining, criticizing, and condemning all the time, I might want to hide in the you're doing. Hey, here's a challenge for you. Come out of the shadows and be recognized as a real person. That way you can stand by your words instead of hiding behind them. It will add a ton of credibility to you.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: New blood takes over Warwick School Committee

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