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To be accurate:

Mayor Solomon did NOT offer the schools $1.75 million dollars. It was $1.75 million dollars MORE! That is in addition to the $166 million+- the taxpayers ALREADY gave the School Committee for the needs of students , teachers, and school buildings, all of which are much reduced in number. By simple logic, Warwick planned and BUDGETED on a certain number of students, teachers, and buildings. They actually only had to FUND less in each category. Therefore they should have a large surplus. NOT a shortage.

I respect but don't agree with the Mayors decision to offer $1.75 million. I feel it was a keep-the-peace compromise, but it still wasn't enough to satisfy the School Committee. Neither will the new $40 million dollar credit card voters just approved "for the students" (Yeah right! So was the $25 million dollar bond/credit card of 2006!) .

But that was then. This is now. We have a new group of members. It will be interesting to see how that changes things. I hope it will and I hope it will be for the best interests of the students. The good news is that everyone is still talking and from communication comes solution. That was painfully lacking in the past. Godspeed to the new team.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: School trash underscores unresolved budget issue

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