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Are you stating that the WFD requested accounting software repeatedly and was denied by the council? Is that on record during budget and contract negotiations? It it was requested and denied, I would be very interested in hearing the reasoning.

Here's the thing, lack of software should not have any bearing on being responsible and accountable for verifying your own internal records. People have been recording keeping long before the advent of software and still managed to have checks and balances built into their process and procedures. I imagine that every fire fighter in Warwick works within the confines of procedures and requirements on a daily basis. Why would that not also apply to records?

The council looks after the interest of the citizens and the union looks after the interests of the firefighters. Compromise is the key. Neither side can have everything the way they want because then it isn't equitable. Open, transparent and honest discussion needs to be happening. You can't foster that environment when you have an inspector trying to intimidate a PRIVATE CITIZEN because they brought up a concern about the department. It sends the wrong message and casts a shadow on the entire department.

What you are asking people to believe is that it wasn't used as an intimidation tactic. You and the WFD must be aware of the optics on that one action. Hopefully, this will be used as a learning tool within the department so that it is understood it won't be tolerated. Just because something isn't technically "illegal" (or doctored up to look legit) doesn't mean it is the right thing to do.

From: Anonymous fire code complaint investigation continues

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