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Dear WwkVoter,

You criticize, condemn, and complain about literally everything I say and now you even criticize, condemn and complain about things I DON'T say.

You are a faceless, nameless, pathetic coward, who has to hide in the shadows so he/she doesn't have to be responsible for his comments.

You constantly attack my efforts when yours are less than zero.

Less than zero! Do you realize that when I stated my name 4 years ago I already had done more than you have in four whole years! Forget about all the time, money, and effort that I dedicated when you did NOTHING, I accomplished more the very first day by stating my name, than you did in four years.

Think about that! You anonymous coward of a critic.

Merry Christmas everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: No longer there

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