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Thecaptain, this is another case where the two-time election reject uses words without explaining what they mean, and then thinks he's right because of that lack of specificity.

[He's wrong, as usual.]

If you're going by Board of Elections standards, candidacy officially begins with a successful submission of nomination papers and ends with Election Day -- which means that, in this light, the two-time election reject officially campaigned for four months in 2016 and two months in 2018.

Another interpretation is to consider "campaigning" to start with a candidate's announcement and end with Election Day. That's how the two figures above were determined.

It's very likely that the two-time election reject considers "campaigning" to be using this website for free political advertising through his repeated use of it to promote his candidacy.

That is, of course, a false and delusional definition of "campaigning" that no reasonable or logical person would share.

As we've seen, he's written all manner of political statements throughout the 13 months between his 2016 overwhelming loss and his 2017 announcement for a second run that ended in an even bigger and more humiliating loss -- and as you rightly point out, it earned him nothing in terms of media attention.

Like the majority of his other statements, the two-time election reject's perspective on defining "campaigning" is devoid of substance and credibility.

From: No longer there

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