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Bendover, you can go right ahead and do that. I stand behind what I said. I also tried to search for the 4,000 US citizens that have been killed by illegal immigrants in the past 3 years and I can't find any evidence to back up your statement. Are you using Breitbart or as a source?

Here is the heart of the matter. Our own citizens deserve to be paid for work while politicians posture and preen. If you honestly think this is about real concern for people then I have a bridge to sell you. I am not sure how you equate the two together and I really don't know what you are trying to say about a gun and anger. Concessions from both sides will get this thing moving again. Compromise is what is lacking in our politics today. It is too polarizing. Let's get back to respectfully disagreeing with someone's opinion while still working together to get things done. Now that's the American Way!

From: 'Shutdown' necessary for national security

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