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Dear Cat,

Who "is against tax cuts?" Who is "cheering for more taxes?" I'll tell you who. Everyone who benefits from the increase of tax revenue! All the political insiders. All the people who get a raise or money added to their budget or funding for their pet-project, that's who. Every Political Action Committee who gave thousands of dollars to Solomon's campaign in return for future "favors", that's who! You will recall Cat, that I refused any PAC donations in BOTH of my elections. They come with just too many strings attached.

There are only two groups of people in Warwick Cat. Those that pay tax dollars and those who receive them. I'm believing you are one of the "receivers". Being anonymous almost prove that doesn't it Cat?

You're RIGHT Cat. I didn't come up with a new idea, but you're wrong when you say that my "plan has more holes than a golf course". I'll prove it to you. Come up with a better plan. I'll check back. Go ahead Cat. Give it a try! I'll wait. Today is 1-15-2019.

Happy Valentines Cat. I'll bet you are a political insider. Why else are you afraid to identify yourself.

Happy Valentines everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Warwick's mayor has arrived

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