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The above article is spot on.

We voters, taxpayers, citizens, homeowners, parents, etc. of Warwick need to remember that, politics aside, we have the best firefighters and police we can possibly have.

Critics all to often tear apart contracts that were established by Avedisian and Mark Caruolo, his Chief-of-Staff, and hold the employee-benefitting parts against the people in the union instead of attacking the very politicians that invited the problems in the first place by writing the rules and regulations so poorly. I always wave when I see these "public servants" (police, firefighters etc.) because they risk their lives 24/7 for the rest of us. I also wave at the politicians that got us in this political mess, but I don't always give the same "kind" of wave to Avedisian, Carruolo and the other "political insiders". There's a huge difference between the "political insiders" and the "public servants". The above article acts as the perfect reminder.

Happy Valentines everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Goodness in hearts of Warwick police, fire

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