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Dear Readers,

wrkvoter is a liar.

I have, on many occasions, mentioned some of the dozens of Donna Travis accomplishments. Look up "Donna Travis Deserves a Statue" from the December 12, 2016 Warwick Beacon. I was the author.

She has spent over 45 years as a child abuse advocate.

She has over 40 years assisting the elderly through JONAH.

She has over 30 years of planning Easter Egg hunts.

She has over 20 years of planning National Night Out.

The list is actually too extensive to continue here but I clearly have made my point.

Now, as far as "wrkvoter"

He/she doesn't have the credibility, self respect, or self esteem to even use his/her real name! Let alone have any list of accomplishments.

'nuf said.

Happy Valentines everyone.

GO PATRIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor,

and a big fan of Donna and Bill Travis who should have a statue of them at the entrance for hundreds of good reasons.

John Simoneau Sr. is right about one thing though. The above list is "just the tip of the Travis iceberg". For a more complete list of accomplishments please go to "Donna Travis Deserves a Statue". Even that list is incomplete, but it's well worth reading.

GO PATRIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From: Mayor's tour gives printer chance to press for lower taxes

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