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Dear F.B.Sarno,

Couldn't agree with you more about the ineffectiveness of the R.I. Legislature. Joe MsNamara however, is an exception. When I ran for Mayor, he made a point to get to know me, had many intelligent questions and would always extend a sincere handshake and smile whenever he saw me. Not so with others who live under the thumb of the PAC's that elected them. To them, I represented an obstacle. (I still do). To Joe Mac, I represented a different idea that he was willing to listen to, even if he disagreed with me. That is the sign of a true leader. We need more "Joe McNamara's" in the State House.

Happy Valentines F.B. Sarno

Happy Valentines everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Get out of the way

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