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Dear Cat,

I refused to accept ANY Political Action Committee (PAC) donations. They are given for on reason and one reason ONLY. To get something in return. For that reason I feel they should be illegal. In my 2016 campaign Avedisian received 237 checks from PACS. That paid for a LOT of advertising and purchased a LOT of votes. I chose to refuse them. Think of me any way you wish but I did it again in 2018 and would do it again today preferring to be true to myself rather than selling out to the "paybacks" of the PAC's. That is the worst part of politics and the reason, I believe, that it's such a dirty business. I'm glad I did it but I won't do it again. You can hold me accountable for that.

Hao about you?

Happy St. Patricks Cat

Happy St. Patricks everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Schools brace for $12M in budget increases next year

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