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Dear wwkvoter,

Henry, once again you're wrong. And you're being dishonest...again.

If you divide our total tax revenue by our number of students it does come to "over $20,000 per student", but Henry (or whatever your honest name is) you can't be thinking that is an accurate analysis. You can't! What about the economic law of diminishing returns that says adding 50 or 60 new students won't add much at all to our fixed costs (teachers salaries, police/fire/municipal employee costs, heat, electric, janitorial costs etc.) and will only add a minimal cost to our variable expenses (books, lunches, etc.) Plus, with our classrooms increase of percentage of capacity, Warwick will qualify for more student aid from the state! And Henry! What about all those Warwick taxpayers that contribute to the tax base but don't have any children in our schools. Never mind that one Henry. It might be a little too complex for you. Bottom line is that this project will be a cash cow for Warwick and Solomon is right to take credit for his part in it. Last night in his "State-of-the-City" address he got a loud applause for it. I know. I was there. Be honest Henry. You just don't like anything I say, do you. The "Fake Stats" are coming from you buddy, so "Happy Fake Stats Day" Henry, who doesn't have the credibility of an honest name.

Happy St. Patricks everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Rhodes School could finally have a buyer

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