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No offense but in my opinion a complete reversal on the side of Bachus will be because of the outrage and not the actual deed itself. How one or two people has the right to remove someone because of an as yet unsubstantiated compliant is scary. They decided to be judge and jury without any one else involved in the decision. At least, as of right now it doesn't look like anyone else is standing behind the decision. In my opinion, it was small-minded local politics at its worse. It is completely unnecessary and unwanted in Warwick. Once again, we are promised open and transparent government only to receive behind closed doors decisions.

I am 100% happy with the outcome of this reporting. Warning shots fired Bachus and Cobden - keep things on the up and up or else you are going to get called out! Same goes for all our elected officials. We are not willing to put up with any more of the same old RI politicians.

From: Learning from a 'false start'

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