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Hi, justanidiot! Have a look at Page 1 of the City’s FY19 Budget!

Note that the “Social Services” line (which includes the Library, Parks & Rec, Thayer & Warburton, McDermott Pool, Human Services, Senior Centers, and Senior Transportation) reads $6,521,213...the LOWEST expense that the City has. Maybe you would benefit from the Library’s services.

They have books, magazines, graphic novels, newspapers, DVD and Blu-Ray (which you can borrow from Warwick or anywhere in the state), downloadable e-books, audiobooks, music, movies, and TV shows. Not to mention public meeting space and cultural programming for adults, teens, and kids; both of which promote the growth of our community. For the smallest amount spent, the Warwick community gains so much more from the Library, and we should all be grateful for it.

From: Library transforms to Hogwarts this Saturday

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