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wwkvoter Get your facts straight nothing Cote has alleged has been proven true and there is no federal investigation of the fire department ongoing. The facts are that Cote did indeed pour gasoline down drains, has made threatening phone calls, harassed a grieving family at a funeral and now at a city council meeting stated that he trapped and killed animals. He now tries to back out of the animal allegations by saying he never killed any animals so go to the video and decide which it is...a liar or killer. The medical scam was never such and the administration is now trying to get physicals for the HAZMAT team before they lose EMA money. The sick payouts will be settled very soon when the audit comes out and the banked holiday is no scheme as the firefighters gave up paid holidays when the city asked for financial relief.

It case you missed it COTE=Thecaptain=LIAR

From: Pension dispute results in $2.6 million owed to firefighters

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