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Valiant effort but it isn't going to be successful. The office phones that can be used in case of emergency is usually monitored by someone that doesn't think a students emergency translates into a real emergency. Or if a child is sick and goes to the nurse and the nurse gives them a cup of ice water and sends them on their way even though they are really sick. Hurt during PE class and the PE teachers laughs it off and tells you to run 5 laps for being a wuss. A bullying situation where everyone knows a student won't go to the administration due to the consequences. The school has no way to prove one way or another the phone wasn't damaged while in their possession. Also, will teachers also be required to keep their phones locked up? Because as most students know, there are always a handful that do have them out in the classroom. Active shooting scenario? Students have been able to text their family and police regarding the situation while inside the school.

So many flags will pop up and so many parents will fight back (in or out of court) that it won't be a long-term solution. This is a can of worms better not opened.

From: Schools on track for cell phone ban this fall

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