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I think that any union's job is to advocate for themselves to get the best package possible. It's up to the city leadership who represent the taxpayers to advocate for moderation so the city budget can work without taxes getting excessive. It really is that simple.

Things got needlessly complicated when Avedisian apparently may have whispered into the ear of the FD that they could "get a little extra" without the council needing to be asked. Whatever happened, that secret dealing is no way to cause anything but the exact mayhem we have now.

(and that "little extra" is now 2.6 million or more which could easily buy a couple brand new fire trucks and a lot of other equipment , that we wont be able to buy now).

Above board. lets move things above board. But it's not the FD union's job to offer to give things up thats just not the way it works and its not their job.

From: New fire chief looks to confront challenges

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