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It is time to stop kicking the can down the road. All of the contracts signed by the current and prior Mayors and Councils are completely unsustainable when combined with the unfunded retirement benefits. The only real option is BANKRUPCY, why won’t anybody admit it. There is no other option, maximum tax increases from now to eternity will not fix problem. Anything we do now just prolongs the inevitable. Someone needs to step up and act like a leader and be accountable to the taxpayers and employees. We now know that will not be the one hiding from Beacon reporters as if they are Woodward and Bernstein. So does anybody on the Council have what it takes to get the job done?

I understand that it is unfair to all of the public employees who bargained in good faith. Unfortunately, they were bargaining with a bunch of snakes and liars who would agree to anything, knowing they would be gone by the time it came to pay for what they agreed to. If a private sector CEO did this to his employees, he would be taken away in cuffs.

What has been done is done, we need to move forward and start over, and the sooner we file for bankruptcy the sooner we can emerge on solid financial footing. The City has so much potential to be a great place to live and work but we need leaders who will bargain in good faith with the employees and represent the best interest of the taxpayers at the same time.

From: Budget to get citizen review

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