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I feel your pain Mr. Johnson...Mine is 7%...So much for 3.46% or whatever nonsense they put out there...

On the topic of the budget and wages, salaries and benefits, if Cushman is wrong, show me where he is wrong...The man knows numbers and has an MBA...This whole nonsense of attacking the messenger because you don't like the message, that dog won't hunt...If his analysis is incorrect, then show me where...I put more stock in him then the balderdash I'm getting from the administration and a dazed and confused council.

..and the audit ends up in the Boston Globe? Sounds like someone wants to put pressure on in order to flip someone...I wonder who could put that kind of pressure on? Things are about to get very interesting, well beyond the City of Warwick's precarious financial condition.

From: Doing math, homeowner finds his taxes would increase 22%

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