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Unfortunately, I doubt your apology holds any weight with the WFD and union. As seen from the amount of people that showed up to protest, I doubt you will be seeing a dime from them during campaign season. Best bet is to spread your net out further and see who else is willing to contribute. I would be shocked if this was a 1 time deal. This could potentially be a part of every fundraising event you run. The real loser regarding this protest was the businesses and local community that were there for no other reason than to enjoy one of the perks of our city.

Why do you have to make your particular issue an issue for everyone? S&S you couldn't cross the picket line without getting shouted at and pictures taken and posted to social media, teachers union with their sick outs, FF union in OB and making it difficult for anyone to get around. Your issue is your issue. Why make it a hassle for the public too? You made your point but in no way made me sympathetic to your issue. I am more inclined to lean towards McKenny now.

From: No offense meant to firefighters

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